ジーンシモンズとポールスタンレーが在籍していたKISSの前身バンド”ウィックトレスター”の唯一のアルバムで、A3,A5は、KISSになって3枚目のLP”Dressed To Kill” に収められている。
Unreleased 1972 A1. Sweet Ophelia (3.01) - BM/CW A2. Keep Me Waiting (3.19) - PS A3. Love Her All I Can (2.37) - PS A4. Simple Type (2.35) - GS A5. She (3.03) - GS/SC B1. Too Many Mondays (3.37) - BM/CW B2. In The Darkness (3.04) - GS/PS B3. When The Bell Rings (3.17) - GS B4. Molly (2.27) - PS B5. (We Want To) Shout It Out Loud (2.43) - TH Produced by Ron Johnsen. Recorded at Electric Lady Studios, NYC. October, 1972. Engineered by Dave Wittman. Ron Leejack____________Lead and rhythm guitar/back-up vocals. Brooke Ostrander_______Keyboards/horn/flute/back-up vocals. Gene Simmons___________Bass/lead vocals on A4, A5, B2, B3 & B5/back-up vocals. Paul Stanley___________Guitar/lead vocals on A1, A2, A3, A4, B1, B2, B3 & B4/back-up vocals. Tony Zarella___________Drums.
Unreleased 1973 1. Deuce (3.27) - GS 2. Cold Gin (4.59) - AF 3. Strutter (4.57) - PS/GS 4. Watching You (3.41) - GS 5. Black Diamond (3.37) - PS Produced and Engineered by Eddie Kramer. Recorded at Electric Lady Studios, NYC. 17-23 June, 1973. Peter Criss____________Drums/lead vocals on 5/back-up vocals. Ace Frehley____________Lead & rhythm guitar/back-up vocals. Gene Simmons___________Bass/lead vocals on 1, 2 & 4/ back-up vocals. Paul Stanley___________Rhythm and acoustic guitar/lead vocals on 3 and 5(intro)/back-up vocals.
Released: 18 February, 1974 A1. Strutter (3.10) - PS/GS A2. Nothin' To Lose (3.26) - GS A3. Firehouse (3.18) - PS A4. Cold Gin (4.21) - AF A5. Let Me Know (2.58) - PS B1. Deuce (3.05) - GS B2. Love Theme From Kiss (2.24) - PS/GS/AF/PC B3. 100,000 Years (3.22) - PS/GS B4. Black Diamond (5.11) - PS Produced by Kenny Kerner and Richie Wise. Recorded at Bell Sound Studios, NYC. October, 1973. Mixed by Warren Dewey at Bell Sound Studios. Peter Criss____________Drums/lead vocals on B4/ back-up vocals. Bruce Foster___________Piano on A2. Ace Frehley____________Lead & rhythm guitar/back-up vocals. Gene Simmons___________Bass/lead vocals on A2, A4, A5, B1/ back-up vocals. Paul Stanley___________Rhythm & acoustic guitar/lead vocals on A1, A3, A5, B3, B4 (intro)/ back-up vocals.
Released: July, 1974 A1. Strutter (3.10) - PS/GS A2. Nothin' To Lose (3.26) - GS A3. Firehouse (3.18) - PS A4. Cold Gin (4.21) - AF A5. Let Me Know (2.58) - PS B1. Kissin' Time (3.52) - M&L B2. Deuce (3.05) - GS B3. Love Theme From Kiss (2.24) - PS/GS/AF/PC B4. 100,000 Years (3.22) - PS/GS B5. Black Diamond (5.11) - PS Produced by Kenny Kerner and Richie Wise. Recorded at Bell Sound Studios, NYC. October, 1973. Mixed by Warren Dewey at Bell Sound Studios. Peter Criss___________Drums/lead vocals on B1, B5/ back-up vocals. Bruce Foster__________Piano on A2. Ace Frehley___________Lead & rhythm guitar/back-up vocals. Gene Simmons__________Bass/lead vocals on A2, A4, A5, B1, B2/back-up vocals. Paul Stanley__________Rhythm & acoustic guitar/lead vocals on A1, A3, A5, B1, B4, B5 (intro)/ back-up vocals.
Released: 22 October,1974 A1. Got To Choose (3.52) - PS A2. Parasite (3.01) - AF A3. Goin' Blind (3.34) - GS/SC A4. Hotter Than Hell (3.30) - PS A5. Let Me Go, Rock 'N Roll (2.16) - PS/GS B1. All The Way (3.17) - GS B2. Watchin' You (3.45) - GS B3. Mainline (3.50) - PS B4. Comin' Home (2.37) - PS/AF B5. Strange Ways (3.17) - AF Produced by Kenny Kerner and Richie Wise. Recorded at The Village Recorder Studios, LA. August, 1974. Mixed by Warren Dewey at The Village Recorder. Peter Criss___________Drums/lead vocals on B3 & B5/ back-up vocals. Ace Frehley___________Lead & rhythm guitar/back-up vocals. Gene Simmons__________Bass/lead vocals on A2, A3, A5, B1, B2/back-up vocals. Paul Stanley__________Rhythm guitar/lead vocals on A1, A4, B4/back-up vocals.
Released: 19 March,1975 A1. Room Service (2.59) - PS A2. Two Timer (2.48) - GS A3. Ladies In Waiting (2.32) - GS A4. Getaway (2.44) - AF A5. Rock Bottom (3.55) - PS/AF B1. C'mon And Love Me (2.59) - PS B2. Anything For My Baby (2.34) - PS B3. She (4.08) - GS/SC B4. Love Her All I Can (2.41) - PS B5. Rock And Roll All Nite (2.49) - PS/GS Produced by Neil Bogart and KISS. Recorded at Electric Lady Studios, NYC. February, 1975. Mixed by Dave Wittman and George Lopez. Peter Criss___________Drums/lead vocals on A4/back-up vocals. Ace Frehley___________Lead & rhythm guitar/12 string acoustic guitars on A5/back-up vocals. Gene Simmons__________Bass/lead vocals on A2, A3, B3, B5/ back-up vocals. Paul Stanley__________Rhythm guitar/acoustic guitar and first lead solo on B1/lead vocals on A1, A5, B1, B2, B4/back-up vocals.
Released: 10 September,1975 A1. Deuce (3.32) - GS/PS A2. Strutter (3.12) - PS/GS A3. Got To Choose (3.35) - PS A4. Hotter Than Hell (3.11) - PS A5. Firehouse (3.42) - PS B1. Nothin' To Lose (3.23) - GS B2. C'mon And Love Me (2.52) - PS B3. Parasite (3.21) - AF B4. She (6.42) - GS/SC C1. Watchin' You (3.37) - GS C2. 100,000 Years (11.52) - GS/PS C3. Black Diamond (5.21) - PS D1. Rock Bottom (3.08) - AF/PS D2. Cold Gin (5.21) - AF D3. Rock And Roll All Nite (3.37) - PS/GS D4. Let Me Go, Rock 'N Roll (5.09) - PS/GS Produced and Engineered by Eddie Kramer for Remarkable Prods., Inc. Recorded live at Cobo Hall, Detroit, MI. 25 May 1975, Music Hall, Cleveland, OH. 21 June 1975 and Wildwood Convention Center, Wildwood, NJ. 23 July 1975 during "Dressed To Kill" tour. Overdubbed and mixed at Electric Lady Studios, NYC. August, 1975. Peter Criss___________Drums/lead vocals on B4 & C3/back-up vocals. Ace Frehley___________Lead & rhythm guitar/back-up vocals. Gene Simmons__________Bass/lead vocals on A1, B1, B3, B4, C1, D2, D3, D4/back-up vocals. Paul Stanley__________Rhythm & lead guitar/lead vocals on A2, A3, A4, A5, B2, B3, C2, D1/back-up vocals.DESTROYER ボブエズリンのプロデュースによるこのアルバムは、新しい試みとして、色々な、効果技術を使い、完成度の高いアルバムとなった。しかし、スタジオミュージシャン(ギタリスト)を起用するなど、メンバー(特にエース)にとっては、少々不本意な点もあった。例えば、B2のギターソロは、エースではなく、スタジオミュージシャンのディックワーグナーが弾いている。
Released: 15 March,1976 A1. Detroit Rock City (5.20) - PS/BE A2. King Of The Night Time World (3.13) - KF/MA/PS/BE A3. God Of Thunder (4.13) - PS A4. Great Expectations (4.21) - GS/BE B1. Flaming Youth (2.55) - AF/PS/GS/BE B2. Sweet Pain (3.20) - GS B3. Shout It Out Loud (2.50) - GS/PS/BE B4. Beth (2.45) - PC/SP/BE B5. Do You Love Me (3.33) - KF/BE/PS B6. (Untitled Track) (1.22) - Produced by Bob Ezrin for Migration Records. Recorded at Record Plant Studios, NYC. January-February, 1976. Mixed by Jay Messina and Corky Stasiak. Orchestration by Bob Ezrin and H.A. MacMillan. Peter Criss___________Drums/lead vocals on B4/back-up vocals. David Ezrin and brother__Speaking child and ray gun noises on A3. Ace Frehley___________Lead & rhythm guitars/back-up vocals. New York Philarmonic Orchestra____on A4 & B4. Gene Simmons__________Bass/rhythm guitar on A4/lead vocals on A3, A4, B2, B3/speaking voice on A1/back-up vocals. Paul Stanley__________Rhythm guitar/lead guitar on A4/lead vocals on A1, A2, B1, B3, B5/back-up vocals. Dick Wagner___________Rhythm guitar on A4 and B2/lead guitar on B2.SPECIAL KISS TOUR ALBUM
“Destroyer ツアー”用の、プロモーションアルバム
Released: 15 June, 1976 A1. Beth (2.25) - PC/SP/BE A2. Do You Love Me (3.33) - KF/BE/PS B1. Flaming Youth (2.55) - AF/PS/GS/BE B2. Detroit Rock City (5.30) - PS/BE THE ORIGINALS 初期の3作品の再パッケージ物 Released: 21 July, 1976 1. KISS 2. HOTTER THAN HELL 3. DRESSED TO KILLROCK AND ROLL OVER このアルバムは、スタジオではなく、“スターシアター”という劇場の、あらゆる場所を使って、ライブ録音された。
Released: 11 November,1976 A1. I Want You (3.02) - PS A2. Take Me (2.53) - PS/SD A3. Calling Dr. Love (3.41) - GS A4. Ladies Room (3.25) - GS A5. Baby Driver (3.39) - PC/SP B1. Love 'Em And Leave 'Em (3.41) - GS B2. Mr. Speed (3.19) - PS/SD B3. See You In Your Dreams (2.31) - GS B4. Hard Luck Woman (3.32) - PS B5. Makin' Love (3.12) - PS/SD Produced by Eddie Kramer for Remarkable Productions, Inc. Recorded live-in-the-studio at Star Theatre, Naunet, NY. September, 1976. mixed by Eddie Kramer and Corky Stasiak at The Record Plant Studios, NYC. Peter Criss___________Drums/lead vocals on A5 & B4/ back-up vocals. Ace Frehley___________Lead & rhythm guitar/bass/ acoustic guitar on B4/back-up vocals. Gene Simmons__________Bass/rhythm guitar on B3/lead vocals on A3, A4, B1, B3/back-up vocals. Paul Stanley__________Rhythm guitar/acoustic guitar on A1 and B4/ lead guitar on A1 (first section)/lead vocals on A1, A2, B2, B5/back-up vocals.LOVE GUN 技巧を凝らした全2作とは、対照的に、シンプルかつストレートに仕上げられたこのアルバムは、予約の段階で、すでにプラチナムを獲得した。ジーンのこのアルバムのためのデモでは、当時無名のバンヘイレン兄弟が、ドラムと、ギターを弾いている。
Released: 30 June,1977 A1. I Stole Your Love (3.04) - PS A2. Christine Sixteen (3.12) - GS A3. Got Love For Sale (3.28) - GS A4. Shock Me (3.47) - AF A5. Tomorrow And Tonight (3.38) - PS B1. Love Gun (3.16) - PS B2. Hooligan (2.58) - PC/SP B3. Almost Human (2.48) - GS B4. Plaster Caster (3.25) - GS B5. Then She Kissed Me (3.01) - JB/EG/PS2 Produced by KISS and Eddie Kramer (for Remarkable Productions, Inc.). Recorded at Record Plant Studios, NYC. May, 1977. Mixed by Eddie Kramer and Corky Stasiak. Peter Criss____________Drums/lead vocals on B2/back-up vocals. Ace Frehley____________Lead and rhythm guitar (all guitars on A4)/ bass & lead vocals on A4/back-up vocals. Gene Simmons___________Bass/rhythm guitar on B3 & B4/ acoustic guitar on A3/piano on A2/ lead vocals on A2, A3, B3,B4/ back-up vocals. Paul Stanley___________Rhythm guitar (except on A4)/lead guitar on A1 (first part) and B5/bass on B1/lead vocals on A1, A5, B1, B5/back-up vocals. The "Kissettes"________Background vocals on A5.KISS ALIVE II ライブ第2段。2枚組みの第4面には、スタジオ録音の、新曲も収録されている。この頃になると、エースは、単独で、レコーディングを行うようになり、自分の曲以外では、あまり、プレイしなくなった。そこで、ギタリストとして、リックデリンジャー、ボブキューリックがレコーディングに参加。
Released: 14 October,1977 A1. Detroit Rock City (3.58) - PS/BE A2. King Of The Night Time World (3.06) - KF/MA/PS/BE A3. Ladies Room (3.11) - GS A4. Makin' Love (3.13) - PS/SD A5. Love Gun (3.34) - PS B1. Calling Dr. Love (3.32) - GS B2. Christine Sixteen (2.45) - GS B3. Shock Me (5.51) - AF B4. Hard Luck Woman (3.06) - PS B5. Tomorrow And Tonight (3.20) - PS C1. I Stole Your Love (3.36) - PS C2. Beth (2.24) - PC/SP/BE C3. God Of Thunder (5.16) - PS C4. I Want You (4.14) - PS C5. Shout It Out Loud (3.37) - GS/PS/BE D1. All American Man (3.13) - PS/SD D2. Rockin' In The U.S.A. (2.44) - GS D3. Larger Than Life (3.55) - GS D4. Rocket Ride (4.07) - AF/SD D5. Any Way You Want It (2.33) - DC Produced by Eddie Kramer and KISS. Recorded live at The Forum, LA. 26-28 August, 1977 during "Love Gun" tour. Tracks A2, B4, B5, D1, D2, D3, D4 & D5 recorded at Capital Theatre, Passaic, NJ, and Electric Lady Studios, NYC. September, 1977. Mixed by Eddie Kramer, Neil Dorfsman and Corky Stasiak (D1-D5). at Electric Lady Studios, NYC. Peter Criss______________Drums/lead vocals on B4 & C2/back-up vocals. Rick Derringer___________Lead and rhythm guitar on D1. Ace Frehley______________Lead & rhythm guitar (all guitars on D4)/bass on D4/lead vocals on B3 & D4/backupvocals. Bob Kulick_______________Lead & rhythm guitar on D2 & D3. Gene Simmons_____________Bass/rhythm guitar on D3/lead vocals on A3, B1, B2, C3, C5, D2, D3/back-up vocals. Paul Stanley_____________Rhythm & lead guitar (all guitars on D5)/lead vocals on A1, A2, A4, A5, B4, B5, C1, C4, C5, D1, D5/back-up vocals.ORIGINALS II
VIP 5504-5 Released: January, 1978 1. DESTROYER 2. ROCK AND ROLL OVER 3. LOVE GUNDOUBLE PLATINUM 初のベストアルバム。数曲がりミックスされ、第1期の集大成といったアルバム。
VIP 9549 Released: 2 April,1978 A1. Strutter '78 (3.41) - PS/GS A2. Do You Love Me (3.33) - KF/BE/PS A3. Hard Luck Woman (3.24) - PS A4. Calling Dr. Love (3.20) - GS A5. Let Me Go, Rock 'N Roll (2.15) - PS/GS B1. Love Gun (3.27) - PS B2. God Of Thunder (4.30) - PS B3. Firehouse (3.20) - PS B4. Hotter Than Hell (3.30) - PS B5. I Want You (3.02) - PS C1. Deuce (3.02) - GS C2. 100,000 Years (3.24) - PS/GS C3. Detroit Rock City (4.26) - PS/BE C4. Rock Bottom (Intro) (0.51) - AF C4. She (4.34) - GS/SC C5. Rock And Roll All Nite (2.45) - PS/GS D1. Beth (2.45) - PC/SP/BE D2. Makin' Love (3.12) - PS/SD D3. C'mon And Love Me (2.54) - PS D4. Cold Gin (4.31) - AF D5. Black Diamond (4.14) - PS Compilation produced by KISS and Sean Delaney. Executive producer: Jimmy Ienner. Recorded at: A1 - Electric Lady Studios, February, 1978. Produced by KISS & Sean Delaney. A2, B2, C3 & D1 - Record Plant Studios, NYC. January-February, 1976. Produced by Bob Ezrin. A3, A4, B5 & D2 - Star Theatre, Naunet, NY. September, 1976. Produced by Eddie Kramer. A5 & B4 - Village Recorder, LA. August, 1974. Produced by Kenny Kerner and Richie Wise. B1 - Record Plant Studios, NYC. May, 1977. Produced by KISS and Eddie Kramer. B3, C1, D4 & D5 - Bell Studios, NYC. October, 1973. Produced by Kenny Kerner and Richie Wise. C4, C5 & D3 - Electric Lady Studios, NYC. February, 1975. Produced by Neil Bogart and KISS. Tracks A3, A4, B3, C1, C2, C3, C4 & D5 remixed by Sean Delaney and Mike Stone at Trident Studios, London, February, 1978. Peter Criss________Drums/lead vocals on A3, D1 & D5/back-up vocals. Ace Frehley________Lead, rhythm & acoustic guitar/back-up vocals. Gene Simmons_______Bass/lead vocals on A4, A5, B2, C1, C4, C5 & D4/back-up vocals. Paul Stanley_______Rhythm & acoustic guitar/lead vocals on A1, A2, B1, B3, B4, B5, C3, D2 & D3/back-up vocals.GENE SIMMONS ゲストが多彩で、豪華なアルバム。ジーンは、ベーシストでありながら、1曲もベースを弾いていない。
VIP 6578 (Japan) Released: 18 September, 1978 A1. Radioactive (3.50) - GS A2. Burning Up With Fever (4.19) - GS A3. See You Tonite (2.30) - GS A4. Tunnel Of Love (3.49) - GS A5. True Confessions (3.30) - GS B1. Living In Sin (3.50) - GS/SD/HM B2. Always Near You/Nowhere To Hide (4.12) - GS B3. Man Of 1,000 Faces (3.16) - GS B4. Mr. Make Believe (4.00) - GS B5. See You In Your Dreams (2.48) - GS B6. When You Wish Upon A Star (2.44) - NW/LH Produced by Sean Delaney and Gene Simmons. Recorded at The Manor, Oxford; Cherokee Studios, LA; Blue Rock Studio, NYC. Spring, 1978. Mixed at Trident Studios, London, by Mike Stone, John Brand, Allen Douglass and Frank "Cheech" D'Amico. The Azusa Citrus College Choir________________Vocals on A5 & B2. Jeff Baxter_______________Back-up vocals on A2, A3, A4 & B4. Cher______________________Telephone voice on B1. Sean Delaney______________Percussion/back-up vocals. Michael Des Barres________Back-up vocals on B5. Franny Eisenberg__________Back-up vocals. Ron Frangipane____________Symphonic Arrangements/conductor NY & LA Philarmonic Orchestras. Richard Gerstein__________Piano on A5 & B2. Diva Gray_________________Back-up vocals. Gordon Grody______________Back-up vocals. Janis Ian_________________Vocals on prelude to A1. John Shane Howell_________Classical guitar on intro to A2. Neil Jason________________Bass. Steve Lacey_______________Guitar on A1. Rick Neilsen______________Guitar on B5. Joe Pecorino______________Back-up vocals on A3, B2 & B4. Joe Perry_________________Guitar on A1 & A4. Ritchie Ranno_____________Guitar on A4. Elliot Randall____________Guitar. Carolyn Ray_______________Back-up vocals. Helen Reddy_______________Back-up vocals on A5. Kate Sagall_______________Back-up vocals. Bob Seger_________________Guitar & back-up vocals on A1 & B1. Allan Schwartzberg________Drums. Gene Simmons______________Electric & acoustic guitar/lead vocals. Donna Summer______________Back-up vocals on A2. Eric Troyer_______________Piano & back-up vocals on A1 & B1. Mitch Weissman____________Acoustic guitar on A3, B2 & B4.ACE FREHLEY ほとんどの曲で、ドラムス以外をエース一人で演奏している。シングルカットされたB1は、4人のソロで唯一のTOP10ヒットとなった。
VIP 6579 (Japan) Released: 18 September, 1978 A1. Rip It Out (3.39) - AF/LK/SK A2. Speedin' Back To My Baby (3.35) - AF/JF A3. Snow Blind (3.54) - AF A4. Ozone (4.41) - AF A5. Whats On Your Mind? (3.26) - AF B1. New York Groove (3.01) - RB B2. I'm In Need Of Love (4.36) - AF B3. Wiped-Out (4.10) - AF/AF2 B4. Fractured Mirror (5.25) - AF Produced by Eddie Kramer and Ace Frehley. Recorded and Mixed by Eddie Kramer and Rob Freeman with assistants (Eric Block and Don Hunerburg) at The "Mansion", Sharon, CT. and Plaza Sound Studio, NYC. Spring, 1978. Anton Fig_____________Drums/percussion. Ace Frehley___________Lead, rhythm & acoustic guitar/bass/ guitar synthesizer/lead vocals/back-up vocals. Larry Kelly___________Back-up vocals on A1. David Lasley & Susan Collins & Co.___Back-up vocals on A2, A5 & B1. Will Lee______________Bass on A4, B2 & B3. Bobby McAdams_________Power mouth on B1. Bill Scheniman________Bell on B4. Carl Tallarico________Drums on B4.PETER CRISS 4人の中で、最もポップなアルバム。TOTOのスティーブルカサーも参加している。
VIP 6580 (Japan) Released: 18 September, 1978 A1. I'm Gonna Love You (3.18) - PC/SP A2. You Matter To Me (3.15) - JV/MM/VP A3. Tossin' And Turnin' (3.58) - RA/MR A4. Don't You Let Me Down (3.38) - PC/SP A5. That's The Kind Of Sugar Papa Likes (2.59) - PC/SP B1. Easy Thing (3.53) - PC/SP B2. Rock Me, Baby (2.50) - SD B3. Kiss The Girl Goodbye (2.46) - PC/SP B4. Hooked On Rock And Roll (3.37) - SP/PC/VP B6. I Can't Stop The Rain (4.25) - SD Bill Bodine______________Bass on A1-A5 & B4. Michael Carnahan_________Sax solo on A3. Lenny Castro_____________Percussion on A3 & A4. Peter Criss______________Lead vocals/backing Vocals on A4 & B4/ drums on A1-A5 & B4/percussion on B3. Bill Cuomo_______________Keyboards on A1-A5 & B4. Maxine Dixon_____________Back-up vocals on A1, A3 & A5. Danny Faragher___________Back-up vocals on A1 & A2. Davey Faragher___________Back-up vocals on A1 & A2. Jimmy Faragher___________Back-up vocals on A1 & A2. Tommy Faragher___________Back-up vocals on A1 & A2. Richard Gerstein_________Keyboards on B1, B2 & B5/ synthesiser on A2 & A3. Gordon Grody_____________Back-up vocals on B2 & B5. Brendan Harkin___________Guitar on B5. Neil Jason_______________Bass on B1, B2 & B5. Steve Lukather___________Guitar solo on A5 & B4. Art Munson_______________Guitar on A1-A5 & B4. Stan Penridge____________Guitar on A1-A5, B3 & B4. Vini Poncia______________Back-up vocals on A4 & B4. Elliott Randall__________Guitar on B1 & B5. Allan Schwartzberg_______Drums on B1, B2 & B5. Annie Suttman____________Back-up vocals on B2 & B5. Julia Tillman____________Back-up vocals on A3 & A5. John Tropea______________Guitar on B1, B2 & B5. Maxine Willard___________Back-up vocals on A3 & A5.PAUL STANLEY KISSのメインのボーカリストだけあって、いちばんKISSっぽいアルバム。
VIP 6577 Released: 18 September, 1978 A1. Tonight You Belong To Me (4.39) - PS A2. Move On (3.07) - PS/MJ A3. Ain't Quite Right (3.34) - PS/MJ A4. Wouldn't You Like To Know Me (3.16) - PS A5. Take Me Away (Together As One) (5.26) - PS/MJ B1. It's Alright (3.31) - PS B2. Hold Me, Touch Me (Think Of Me When We're Apart) (3.40) - PS B3. Love In Chains (3.34) - PS B4. Goodbye (4.09) - PS Produced by Paul Stanley. Tracks A5, B1, B3 & B4 Produced by Paul Stanley and Jeff Glixman. Recorded and Mixed at Electric Lady Studios, NYC; The Record Plant, LA; and The Village Recorders, LA. Spring, 1978. Carmine Appice_________Drums on A5. Steve Buslowe__________Bass on A1-A5. Peppy Castro___________Back-up vocals on A5 & B2. Richie Fontana_________Drums on A1-A4. Diana Graselli_________Back-up vocals on A2. Craig Kampf____________Drums on B1-B4. Doug Katsaros__________Piano/Omni String ensemble/back-up vocals. Bob Kulick_____________Lead & rhythm guitar/acoustic guitar Steve Lacey____________Rhythm guitar on B3. Eric Nelson____________Bass on B1-B4. Paul Stanley___________Lead vocals/back-up vocals/rhythm guitar/acoustic guitars/E-bows/all guitars on B2 Miriam Naomi Valle_____Back-up vocals on A2. Maria Vidal____________Back-up vocals on A2.DYNASTY かなりヒットしたアルバムだが、4人で演奏した曲が1つもなく、曲調も、ソロの延長上の曲が多い。A1は、流行のディスコビートで、日本でもかなりヒットした。
P33C-20009, 22S-11 (Japan) eleased: 23 May, 1979 A1. I Was Made For Lovin' You (4.29) - PS/VP/DC2 A2. 2,000 Man (4.53) - MJ2/KR A3. Sure Know Something (3.59) - PS/VP A4. Dirty Livin' (4.16) - PC/VP/SP B1. Charisma (4.26) - GS/HM B2. Magic Touch (4.40) - PS B3. Hard Times (3.59) - AF B4. X-Ray Eyes (3.42) - GS B5. Save Your Love (4.39) - AF Produced by Vini Poncia for Mad Vincent Productions, Inc. Recorded and Mixed by Jay Messina at Electric Lady and Record Plant Studios, NYC. January-February & April 1979. Desmond Child___________Keyboards on A1/back-up vocals. Peter Criss_____________Drums on A2, A4, B1 & B3/percussion/ lead vocals on A4/back-up vocals. Anton Fig_______________Drums on A3, B2, B4 & B5. Richie Fontana__________Drums on A1. Ace Frehley_____________Lead & rhythm guitar/acoustic guitar on A4 & B3/bass on A1, A2, A4, B1, B3 & B5/ lead vocals on A2, B3 & B5/back-up vocals. Vini Poncia_____________Back-up vocals/keyboards. Gene Simmons____________Bass on A3, B1 & B4/piano on B4/rhythm guitar on B1/lead vocals on B1 & B4/ back-up vocals. Paul Stanley____________Rhythm guitar (except on A2, B3 & B5)/bass on A3 & B2/lead guitar on A3 & B2/lead vocals on A1, A3 & B2/back-up vocals.UNMASKED KISSらしからぬ、非常にポップで、コマーシャルなアルバム。 このアルバムを最後にピータークリスは、脱退するのだが、彼は、このレコーディングには、参加せず、代りに、エースのソロに参加したアントンフィグがドラムを叩いている。(この人は、後のエースのバンドに参加)エースは、ここでも、自分の曲は、ドラム以外すべてを一人でやって他の曲には、参加していない。
25S-3 Released: 20 May, 1980 A1. Is That You (3.55) - GM A2. Shandi (3.33) - PS/VP A3. Talk To Me (4.00) - AF A4. Naked City (3.49) - GS/RK/PC2/VP A5. What Makes The World Go 'Round (4.14) - PS/VP B1. Tomorrow (3.16) - PS/VP B2. Two Sides Of The Coin (3.15) - AF B3. She's So European (3.30) - GS/VP B4. Easy As It Seems (3.24) - PS/VP B5. Torpedo Girl (3.31) - AF/VP B6. You're All That I Want (3.04) - GS/VP Produced by Vini Poncia for Mad Vincent Productions, Inc. Recorded and Mixed by Jay Massina and Gary Russell at The Record Plant, NYC. January-February 1980. Anton Fig___________________Drums/percussion. Ace Frehley_________________Lead & rhythm guitar/bass & lead vocals on A3, B2 & B5/ back-up vocals. Vini Poncia_________________Keyboards/back-up vocals/percussion. Gene Simmons________________Bass/rhythm guitar on B6/lead vocals on A4, B3 & B6/back-up vocals. Paul Stanley________________Rhythm & lead guitar on A1, A2, A4, A5, B1, B3, B4 & B6/bass on A2 & B1/lead vocals on A1, A2, A5, B1 & B4/back-up vocals.(MUSIC FROM) THE ELDER 初のトータルコンセプトアルバム。ジャケットに4人が載っていないからだろうか、あまりヒットしなかった。しかし、内容は、とても、凝っていて素晴しい出来である。このアルバムから、エリック カーが参加。(実際は、Unmaskedツアーから)
Polystar 28S-23 Released: November, 1981 A1. Fanfare (1.22) - BE/PS A2. Just A Boy (2.30) - PS/BE A3. Odyssey (5.36) - TP A4. Only You (4.19) - GS A5. Under The Rose (4.49) - EC/GS B1. Dark Light (4.12) - AF/AF2/LR/GS B2. A World Without Heroes (2.40) - PS/BE/LR/GS B3. The Oath (4.32) - PS/BE/TP B4. Mr. Blackwell (4.53) - GS/LR B5. I (3.52) - GS/BE Produced by Bob Ezrin for Migration Records. Associate Producer Brian Christian. Recorded at Ace In The Hole Studio, Connecticut, March-July 1981; A & R Studios, NYC, May 1981; Record Plant Studios, NYC, May, July-September 1981; Ezrin Farm Studio & Sounds Interchange, Toronto, CA, March & May 1981; by Brian Christian, Rick Hart, Robert 'Ringo' Hrycyna and David Brown. Additional Engineering by Rob Freeman, Corky Stasiak and Kevin Doyle. Mixed at Manta Sound Studio, Toronto, Canada. American Symphony Orchestra__________(Arrangements by Bob Ezrin & Michael Kamen). Eric Carr_____________Drums/back-up vocals. Robert Christie_______Speaking voice. Ace Frehley___________Lead, rhythm & acoustic guitar/lead vocals and bass on B1/back-up vocals. Christopher Makepeace_Speaking voice (deleted from final mix). Anthony Parr__________Speaking voice. Tony Powers___________Piano/keyboards. Gene Simmons__________Bass/rhythm guitar on A4/lead vocals on A4, A5, B2, B4 and B5/back-up vocals. Paul Stanley__________Rhythm and acoustic guitar/lead guitar on B2/vocals on A2, A3, B3 and B5/back-up vocals.KISS KILLERS 2枚目のベストアルバム。A面B面共最初の2曲が新曲で、エースは、参加せず、ボブキューリックが、リードギターで参加。全曲リミックスされている。
Casablanca/Polystar 28S-58 Released: May, 1982 A1. I'm A Legend Tonight (3.59) - AM/PS A2. Down On Your Knees (3.31) - PS/MJ/BA A3. Cold Gin (4.20) - AF A4. Love Gun (3.17) - PS A5. Shout It Out Loud (remix) (2.40) - GS/PS/BE A6. Escape From The Island (2.52) - AF/BE/EC A7. Sure Know Something (3.59) - PS/VP B1. Nowhere To Run (4.32) - PS B2. Partners In Crime (3.45) - PS/AM B3. Detroit Rock City (3.53) - PS/BE B4. God Of Thunder (4.11) - PS B5. I Was Made For Lovin' You (4.18) - PS/VP/DC2 B6. Shandi (3.35) - PS/VP B7. Rock And Roll All Nite (live) (3.58) - PS/GS Produced by Michael James Jackson (A1, A2, B1 & B2); Kenny Kerner & Richie Wise (A3); Eddie Kramer (B6); Eddie Kramer & KISS (A4); Bob Ezrin (A5, A6, B3 & B4) and Vini Poncia (A6, B5 & B6). Recorded at The Record Plant, LA, March 1982 (A1, A2, B1 & B2), February 1979 (B5); Bell Sound Studios, NYC. October 1973 (A3); Record Plant Studios, NYC. January-February, 1976 (A5, B3 & B4), May 1977 (A4), April 1979 (A7) & January 1980 (B6); Ace In The Hole Studio, Connecticut, July 1981 (A6); Music Hall, Cleveland, OH. 21 June, 1975 (B7). Eric Carr________________Drums & back-up vocals on A1, A2, B1 & B2 /bass on A6. Desmond Child____________Keyboards and back-up vocals on B5. Peter Criss______________Drums & back-up vocals on A3-A6, B3, B4 & B6. Anton Fig________________Drums on A7. Richie Fontana___________Drums on B5. Ace Frehley______________Lead & rhythm guitar/bass on B5/back-up vocals. Bob Kulick_______________Lead guitar on A1, A2, B1 & B2. Vini Poncia______________Back-up vocals on B5. Gene Simmons_____________Bass/lead vocals on A3, A5, B4 & B6/ back-up vocals. Paul Stanley_____________Rhythm & acoustic guitar/bass on B2/ lead vocals on A1, A2, A4, A5, A6, B1, B2, B3 & B5/back-up vocals.CREATURES OF THE NIGHT 再び、ダークでへヴィーな音になったアルバム。エースは、事実上脱退していて、リードギターは、セッションギタリストのロベンフォード、ヴィンセントクサノ(後にメンバーになるヴィニーヴィンセント)等が参加。他人との共作が多く、当時無名のブライアンアダムスも曲を書いている。
Casablanca/Polystar 28S-138 Released: 13 October, 1982 A1. Creatures Of The Night (4.01) - PS/AM A2. Saint And Sinner (4.50) - GS/MJ A3. Keep Me Comin' (4.00) - PS/AM A4. Rock And Roll Hell (4.08) - GS/BA/JV2 A5. Danger (3.55) - PS/AM B1. I Love It Loud (4.12) - GS/VC B2. I Still Love You (6.06) - PS/VC B3. Killer (3.19) - GS/VC B4. War Machine (4.13) - GS/BA/JV2 Produced by Michael James Jackson, Paul Stanley & Gene Simmons. Recorded at The Record Plant Studios, LA. July-September, 1982 by Dave Wittman. Drums recorded at Record One Studios, LA. July, 1982 by Niko Bolas and Rich Bosworth. Drums on A3 recorded at Media Sound, NYC. July, 1982 by Michael Barbiero. Additional Engineering by Ricky Delano, Kevin Eddy and David Blanco. Mixed at The Power Station Studios, NYC. by Bob Clearmountain and Gene Simmons. Eric Carr___________Drums/bass on B2/back-up vocals. Steven Ferris_______Lead guitar on A1. Robben Ford_________Lead guitar on B2. Bob Kulick__________Lead & rhythm guitar/back-up vocals. Gene Simmons________Bass/rhythm guitar on B3/lead vocals on A2, A4, B1, B3 & B4/back-up vocals. Paul Stanley________Lead & rhythm guitar/lead vocals on A1, A3, A5 & B2/back-up vocals. Vinnie Vincent______Lead and rhythm guitar/back-up vocals.LICK IT UP
Casablanca/Polystar 28S-181 Released: 18 September, 1983 1. Exciter (4.10) - PS/VV 2. Not For The Innocent (4.32) - GS/VV 3. Lick It Up (3.59) - PS/VV 4. Young And Wasted (4.04) - GS/VV 5. Gimme More (3.41) - PS/VV 6. All Hell's Breakin' Loose (4.34) - EC/PS/VV/GS 7. A Million To One (4.17) - PS/VV 8. Fits Like A Glove (4.04) - GS 9. Dance All Over Your Face (4.13) - GS 10. And On The 8th Day (4.02) - GS/VV Produced by Michael James Jackson, Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley. Recorded and Mixed at Right Track Studios, NYC. by Frank Filipetti & Moria Marquis, July & August, 1983. Additional Recording Engineered by Dave Wittman and Stephen Benben at Atlantic Studios, NYC & Danny Caccavo at The Hit Factory, NYC. Tracks 3, 9 & 10 Engineered by Rob Freeman at The Record Plant Studios, NYC. Eric Carr_______________Drums/back-up vocals. Gene Simmons____________Bass/lead vocals on 2, 4, 8, 9 & 10/ back-up vocals. Paul Stanley____________Rhythm guitar/lead vocals on 1, 3, 5, 6 & 7/back-up vocals. Vinnie Vincent__________Lead and rhythm guitar/back-up vocals.ANIMALIZE この頃から始まったへヴィーメタルブームの追い風もあって、このアルバムは、ヒット、バンドの人気も、再び上昇した。 このアルバムから加入のマークセントジョンは、ツアーの途中で白血病のため脱退、代役として、ブルースキューリックが参加。ちなみに、このツアーの前座は、ボンジョビだった。
28SA-250 Released: 13 September, 1984 1. I've Had Enough (Into The Fire) (3.50) - PS/DC2 2. Heaven's On Fire (3.18) - PS/DC2 3. Burn Bitch Burn (4.38) - GS 4. Get All You Can Take (3.42) - PS/MW 5. Lonely Is The Hunter (4.27) - GS 6. Under The Gun (3.59) - PS/EC/DC2 7. Thrills In The Night (4.18) - PS/JB2 8. While The City Sleeps (3.39) - GS/MW 9. Murder In High-Heels (3.51) - GS/MW Produced by Paul Stanley. Associate producer Gene Simmons. Drums Produced by Michael James Jackson. Recorded at Right Track Studios, NYC. by Chris Minto and Timothy Crich, July, 1984. Additional Recording by Dave Wittman. Mixed by Dave Wittman. Jean Beauvoir_________Bass on 4 & 7/back-up vocals. Desmond Child_________Back-up vocals. Eric Carr_____________Drums/back-up vocals. Bruce Kulick__________Lead guitar on 5. Gene Simmons__________Bass/lead vocals on 3, 5, 8 & 9/back-up vocals. Paul Stanley__________Lead & rhythm guitar/bass/lead vocals on 1, 2, 4, 6 & 7/back-up vocals. Mark St. John_________Lead & rhythm guitar/back-up vocals.CREATURES OF THENIGHT (Re-release) '82発売の同タイトルのリミックス盤。ジャケットも差し替えられた。
Released: 14 July, 1985 A1. Creatures Of The Night (4.01) - PS/AM A2. Killer (3.19) - GS/VC A3. Keep Me Comin' (4.00) - PS/AM A4. Rock And Roll Hell (4.08) - GS/BA/JV2 A5. Danger (3.55) - PS/AM B1. I Love It Loud (4.12) - GS/VC B2. I Still Love You (6.06) - PS/VC B3. Saint And Sinner (4.50) - GS/MJ B4. War Machine (4.13) - GS/BA/JV2 Produced by Michael James Jackson, Paul Stanley & Gene Simmons. Recorded at The Record Plant Studios, LA. July-September, 1982 by Dave Wittman. Drums recorded at Record One Studios, LA. July, 1982 by Niko Bolas and Rich Bosworth. Drums on A3 Additional Engineering by Ricky Delano, Kevin Eddy and recorded at Media Sound, NYC. July, 1982 by Michael Barbiero. Mixed at The Power Station Studios, NYC. by Bob Clearmountain and Gene Simmons. Tracks A1, B2 & B4 Remixed by Dave Wittman at Electric Lady Studios, NYC. 1985. Eric Carr___________Drums/bass on B2/back-up vocals. Steven Ferris_______Lead guitar on A1. Robben Ford_________Lead guitar on B2. Bob Kulick__________Lead & rhythm guitar/back-up vocals. Gene Simmons________Bass/rhythm guitar on A2/lead vocals on A2, A4, B1, B3 & B4/back-up vocals. Paul Stanley________Lead & rhythm guitar/lead vocals on A1, A3, A5 & B2/back-up vocals. Vinnie Vincent______Lead and rhythm guitar/back-up vocals.ASYLUM このアルバムからブルースキューリックが正式に参加。この頃、ジーンは、映画出演や、プロデューサー業で大忙しだった。
Released: 16 September, 1985 1. King Of The Mountain (4.17) - PS/BK/DC2 2. Any Way You Slice It (4.02) - GS/HR 3. Who Wants To Be Lonely (4.01) - PS/DC2/JB2 4. Trial By Fire (3.25) - GS/BK 5. I'm Alive (3.43) - PS/BK/DC2 6. Love's A Deadly Weapon (3.29) - GS/PS/RW/WB 7. Tears Are Falling (3.55) - PS 8. Secretly Cruel (3.41) - GS 9. Radar For Love (3.25) - PS/DC2 10. Uh! All Night (3.43) - PS/DC2/JB2 Produced by Paul Stanley and Gene Simmons. Recorded and Mixed at Electric Lady Studios, NYC. by Dave Wittman, Assisted by Ed Garcia and Ken Steiger. June & July, 1985. Additional Recording at Right Track Studios, NYC. Eric Carr________________Drums/back-up vocals. Bruce Kulick_____________Lead & rhythm guitar/back-up vocals. Gene Simmons_____________Bass/rhythm guitar on 2 & 4/lead vocals on 2, 4, 6 & 8/back-up vocals. Paul Stanley_____________Rhythm guitar/bass/lead vocals on 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 & 10/back-up vocals.CRAZY NIGHTS 久々の、他人のプロデュースによるアルバム。へヴィーさが薄れ、ポップな仕上がりになった。
Released: 18 September, 1987 1. Crazy Crazy Nights (3.45) - PS/AM 2. I'll Fight Hell To Hold You (4.10) - PS/AM/BK 3. Bang Bang You (3.53) - PS/DC2 4. No, No, No (4.19) - GS/BK/EC 5. Hell Or High Water (3.28) - GS/BK 6. My Way (3.58) - PS/DC2/BT 7. When Your Walls Come Down (3.25) - PS/AM/BK 8. Reason To Live (3.59) - PS/DC2 9. Good Girl Gone Bad (4.35) - GS/DS/PD 10. Turn On The Night (3.19) - PS/DW 11. Thief In The Night (4.05) - GS/MW Produced by Ron Nevison. Recorded at One on One Recording Studios, Canoga Park, CA. by Ron Nevison and Toby Wright; Rumbo Recorders, Canoga Park, CA. by Ron Nevison and Julian Stoll; Can-Am Recorders, Tarzana, CA. by Ron Nevison and Jeff Poe. March-June, 1987. Mixed at Can-Am Recorders by Ron Nevison, June & July, 1987. Phil Ashley____________Keyboards Eric Carr______________Drums/back-up vocals. Tom Kelly______________Back-up vocals. Bruce Kulick___________Lead & rhythm guitar/back-up vocals. Gene Simmons___________Bass/lead vocals on 4, 5, 9 & 11/back-up vocals. Paul Stanley___________Rhythm guitar/keyboards/lead vocals on 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8 & 10/back-up vocals.CHIKARA
Polystar P30R-20008 Released: May, 1988 1. Rock And Roll All Nite (2.48) - PS/GS 2. Detroit Rock City (5.14) - PS/BE 3. Love Gun (3.17) - PS 4. I Was Made For Lovin' You (remix) (7.56) - PS/VP/DC2 5. Creatures Of The Night (remix) (4.02) - PS/AM 6. I Love It Loud (remix) (4.15) - PS/VC 7. War Machine (remix) (4.15) - GS/BA/JV2 8. Lick It Up (3.55) - PS/VV 9. All Hell's Breakin' Loose (4.33) - EC/PS/VV/GS 10. Heaven's On Fire (4.21) - PS/DC2 11. Thrills In The Night (4.00) - PS/JB2 12. Who Wants To Be Lonely (4.00) - PS/DC2/JB2 13. Uh! All Night (4.01) - PS/DC2/JB2 14. Tears Are Falling (3.55) - PSSMASHES, THRASHES, & HITS デビュー15年目に先立つベストアルバム。最初の2曲が新曲で、後は、すべて、リミックス。時代を感じさせないほど新鮮なミックスである。
Released: 16 November, 1988 1. Let's Put The X In Sex (3.48) - PS/DC2 2. (You Make Me) Rock Hard (3.26) - PS/DC2/DW 3. Love Gun (remix) (3.31) - PS 4. Detroit Rock City (remix) (3.45) - PS/BE 5. I Love It Loud (remix) (2.44) - GS/VC 6. Deuce (remix) (3.20) - GS 7. Lick It Up (3.53) - PS/VV 8. Heaven's On Fire (3.19) - PS/DC2 9. Calling Dr. Love (remix) (3.38) - GS 10. Strutter (remix) (3.38) - PS/GS 11. Beth (2.46) - PC/SP/BE 12. Tears Are Falling (3.54) - PS 13. I Was Made For Lovin' You (4.29) - PS/VP/DC2 14. Rock And Roll All Nite (remix) (2.56) - PS/GS 15. Shout It Out Loud (remix) (3.07) - GS/PS/BE Produced by Paul Stanley (1, 2 & 8); Bob Ezrin (4, 11 & 15); Eddie Kramer (9); Eddie Kramer and KISS (3); Vini Poncia (13); Neil Bogart and KISS (14); Kenny Kerner & Richie Wise (6 & 10); James Jackson, Paul Stanley & Gene Simmons (5 & 7); Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley (12). Recorded at Right Track Studios, NYC. and The Townhouse, London, June 1988 (1 & 2); Bell Sound Studios, NYC, October, 1973 (6 & 10); Electric Lady Studios, NYC, February, 1975 (14); Record Plant Studios, NYC, January-February, 1976 (4, 11 & 15), May, 1977 (3), February 1979 (13), June 1985 (12); Star Theatre, Naunet, NY. September, 1976 (9); The Record Plant Studios, LA. July 1982 (5); Right Track Studios, NYC. July 1983 (7), July 1984 (8). Mixed by David Thoener (1 & 2). Digital Remixes by Brian Foraker and Paul Wertheimer at the Record Plant Studios, LA. August, 1988. Eric Carr______________Drums/lead vocals on 11/back-up vocals. Desmond Child__________Keyboards & back-up vocals on 13. Peter Criss____________Drums on 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 14 & 15/back-up vocals. Richie Fontana_________Drums on 13. Ace Frehley____________Lead, rhythm guitar and back-up vocals on 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 13, 14 & 15/bass on 13. Bruce Kulick___________Lead & rhythm guitar on 1, 2 & 12/back-up vocals. Vini Poncia____________Back-up vocals on 13. Gene Simmons___________Bass/lead vocals on 5, 6, 9, 14 & 15/ back-up vocals. Paul Stanley___________Rhythm guitar/keyboards/lead vocals on 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13 & 15/back-up vocals.HOT IN THE SHADE エリック カーの遺作となったアルバム。バラエティーに富んだ内容となっている。7曲目の“Forever”は、“Beth”以来の、Top 5シングルとなった。
Released: 17 October, 1989 1. Rise To It (4.08) - PS/BH 2. Betrayed (3.38) - GS/TT 3. Hide Your Heart (4.25) - PS/DC2/HK 4. Prisoner Of Love (3.52) - GS/BK 5. Read My Body (3.48) - PS/BH 6. Love's A Slap In The Face (4.04) - GS/VP 7. Forever (3.52) - PS/MB 8. Silver Spoon (4.38) - PS/VP 9. Cadillac Dreams (3.44) - GS/VP 10. King Of Hearts (4.26) - PS/VP 11. The Street Giveth And The Street Taketh Away (3.34) - GS/TT 12. You Love Me To Hate You (4.00) - PS/DC2 13. Somewhere Between Heaven And Hell (3.52) - GS/VP 14. Little Caesar (3.08) - EC/GS/AM 15. Boomerang (3.30) - GS/BK Produced by Gene Simmons & Paul Stanley. Recorded at The Fortress, Hollywood, CA. by Pat Regan and Mikey Davis, July - August, 1989. Mixed by Dave Wittman at Cherokee Studio, LA. August, 1989. Phil Ashley______________Keyboards on 3 & 7. Eric Carr________________Drums/bass and lead vocals on 14/ back-up vocals. Charlotte Crossley_______Back-up vocals on 8. Kim Edwards-Brown________Back-up vocals on 8. Bruce Kulick_____________Lead, rhythm & acoustic guitar/bass/ back-up vocals. Valerie Pinkston_________Back-up vocals on 8. Gene Simmons_____________Bass/rhythm guitar on 9/lead vocals on 2, 4, 6, 9, 11, 13 & 15/back-up vocals. Paul Stanley_____________Rhythm guitar/slide guitar on 1/bass/ lead vocals on 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10 & 12.REVENGE クオリティーの高いへヴィーメタルなアルバム。“DYNASTY”以来のTOP10ヒット。曲作りには、ヴィニーヴィンセントが参加。5の“God Gave R&R To You II”は、キアヌリーブス主演の映画“Bill & Ted's Bogus Tour”のエンディングテーマとして、'91に発表された。
Mercury/Nippon-Phonogram PHCR 36 Released: 14 May, 1992 1. Unholy (3.40) - GS/VV 2. Take It Off (4.50) - PS/BE/XR 3. Tough Love (3.44) - PS/BK/BE 4. Spit (3.32) - GS/XV/PS 5. God Gave Rock 'N' Roll To You II (5.18) - RB/PS/GS/BE 6. Domino (4.01) - GS 7. Heart Of Chrome (4.02) - PS/VV/BE 8. Thou Shalt Not (3.59) - GS/XD 9. Every Time I Look At You (4.38) - PS/BE 10. Paralyzed (4.14) - GS/BE 11. I Just Wanna (4.07) - PS/VV 12. Carr Jam 1981 (2.46) - EC Produced by Bob Ezrin. Recorded at Rumbo Recorders, Track Records, Cornerstone Recorders, Ocean Way Recording, Acme Recording Studios, The Enterprise and A&M Studios, December 1991-March, 1992. Engineered by Chris Steinmetz, Niko Bolas and George Tutko, assisted by Pete Magdaleno, Dick Keneshiro, Bart Stevens, Andy Udoff, Julie Last and Richard Hasai. Mixed by Mick Guzauski and Rall Rogut at Record One Studios, LA. Eric Carr__________________Drums and rhythm guitar on 12/ back-up vocals on 5. Bob Ezrin__________________Bass/orchestration on 9. Bruce Kulick_______________Lead, rhythm & acoustic guitar/ bass on 9/back-up vocals. Gene Simmons_______________Bass/rhythm guitar on 6/lead vocals on 1, 4, 5, 6, 8 & 10/back-up vocals. Eric Singer________________Drums/back-up vocals. Paul Stanley_______________Rhythm & acoustic guitar/bass/lead vocals on 2, 3, 5, 7, 9 & 11/ back-up vocals.ALIVE III 15年ぶりのライブアルバム。エディークレイマーの久々のプロデュース/エンジニアリングで、とても、Cool !! なサウンド。
Released: 18 May, 1993 1. Creatures Of The Night (4.40) - PS/AM 2. Deuce (3.42) - GS 3. I Just Wanna (4.21) - PS/VV 4. Unholy (3.43) - GS/VV 5. Heaven's On Fire (4.02) - PS/DC2 6. Watchin' You (3.35) - GS 7. Domino (3.47) - GS 8. I Was Made For Lovin' You (4.31) - PS/VP/DC2 9. I Still Love You (6.04) - PS/VV 10. Rock And Roll All Nite (3.33) - PS/GS 11. Lick It Up (4.18) - PS/VV 12. Forever (4.20) - PS/MB 13. Take It Off (5.38) - PS/BE/XR 14. I Love It Loud (3.40) - PS/VV 15. Detroit Rock City (5.11) - PS/BE 16. God Gave Rock 'N' Roll To You II (5.21) - RB/PS/GS/BE 17. Star Spangled Banner (2.38) - FSK Produced by Eddie Kramer (for Remark Music Inc.) and KISS. Recorded live at the Palace of Auburn Hills, Detroit, MI. 27 November, 1992; Richfield Coliseum, Cleveland, OH. 28 November, 1992 and Market Square Arena, Indianapolis, IN. 29 November, 1992 during "Revenge" tour. Mixed by Eddie Kramer and Garth Richardson at A & M Studios, LA. assisted by Brian Scheuble, Brain Virtue, Mike Douglass, Peter Magadaleno and David Hewitt. Digitally Edited by Michael Bernard. Bruce Kulick_______________Lead & rhythm guitar/back-up vocals. Gene Simmons_______________Bass/lead vocals on 2, 4, 6, 7, 10, 14 & 16/back-up vocals. Eric Singer________________Drums. Paul Stanley_______________Rhythm guitar/lead vocals on 1, 3, 5, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15 & 16/ back-up vocals.UNPLUGGED ‘95年10月にMTVで放映された”Unplugged”のCD化 なんと、Ace Frehley とPeter Crissも出てるっ!!
Mercury/Polygram 528-950-1/4/2 Release date: 12 March, 1996 1. Comin' Home 2. Plaster Caster 3. Goin' Blind 4. Do You Love Me 5. Domino 6. Sure Know Something 7. A World Without Heroes 8. Rock Bottom 9. See You Tonight 10. I Still Love You 11. Every Time I Look At You 12. 2,000 Man 13. Beth 14. Nothin' To Lose 15. Rock And Roll All Nite Produced by Alex Coletti. Recorded at Sony Music Studios, NYC 8 August, 1995. Peter Criss________________Drums on 12,14 & 15/lead vocals on 13, 14 & 15. Ace Frehley________________Lead & rhythm acoustic guitar on 12, 13, 14 & 15/lead vocals on 12, 14, & 15. Bruce Kulick_______________Lead & rhythm acoustic guitar (except 12 & 13)/back-up vocals. Gene Simmons_______________Bass/lead vocals on 2, 3, 5, 7, 9 & 15. Eric Singer________________Drums (except 12)/percussion/lead vocals on 14. Paul Stanley_______________Rhythm acoustic guitar/lead vocals on 1, 4, 6, 8, 10 & 11.YOU WATED THE BEST, YOU GOT THE BEST Reunionを記念して、ALIVE!,ALIVE II から4曲ずつ、さらに、未発表ライブテイク5曲を収録した、ベストLive alubum。デジタルリマスターされ、音質が向上されている。未発表のうち、13を除く4曲は、'75,'77録音だが、Voがどうも最近録られたように聞こえる。
Mercury/Polygram PHCR1450 Release date: 25 June, 1996 1. Room Service 2. Two Timer 3. Let Me Know 4. Rock Bottom 5. Parasite 6. Fire House 7. I Stole Your Love 8. Calling Dr Love 9. Take Me 10. Shout It Out Loud 11. Beth 12. Rock'n Roll All Nite 13. New York Groove (Bonus Track on Japan) Peter Criss________________Drums except 13 /lead vocals on 11 Ace Frehley________________Lead & rhythm guitar /lead vocals on 13 Gene Simmons_______________Bass/lead vocals on 2, 3, 4, 8, 10 & 12 Paul Stanley_______________Rhythm guitar/lead vocals on 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10 Eric Carr__________________Drums on 13GRATEST KISS これまた、リユニオン記念のリマスターベストアルバム。メイク時代(オリジナルメンバー)のライブでお馴染みの曲ばかり20曲で、 は、リユニオンライブバージョンである。20が収録されてるのは、疑問だが、ヨーロッパでヒットしたからかな?
Mercury/Polygram PHCR Release date: 9 Decenber, 1996 1. Detroit Rock City 2. Black Diamond 3. Hard Luck Woman 4. Sure Know Something 5. Love Gun 6. Deuce 7. Goin' Blind 8. Shock Me 9. Do You Love Me 10. She 11. I Was Made For Loving You 12. Shout It Out Loud(1996 video version) 13. God Of Thunder 14. Calling Dr. Love 15. Beth 16. Strutter 17. Rock And Roll All Nite 18. C'mon And Love Me* 19. Rock Bottom* 20. God Gave Rock N' Roll To You* * Bonus track Peter Criss____________Drums except 4,11 & 20 lead Vocal on 2,3 & 15 back-up vocals. Ace Frehley____________Lead, rhythm guitar and back-up vocals except 4,20 lead vocal on 8 bass on 11. Gene Simmons___________Bass except 11 lead vocals on 6,7,10,12,13,14,17 & 20 back-up vocals. Paul Stanley___________Rhythm guitar/keyboards/lead vocals on 1, 4, 5, 9,11,12,16,18,19 & 20/back-upvocals. Bruce Kulick___________Lead & rhythm guitar on 20 Eric Singer________________Drums on 20 Desmond Child__________Keyboards & back-up vocals on 11. Richie Fontana_________Drums on 11. Vini Poncia____________Back-up vocals on 11. Anton Fig_______________Drums on 4
Mercury/Polygram PHRC-1560 Release date: 25,october, 1997 1. Hate (4:36) - Simmons/Van Zen/Kulick 2. Rain (4:46) - Stanley/Kulick/Cuom 3. Master & Slave (4:57) - Stanley/Kulick/Cuomo 4. Childhood's End (4:20) - Simmons/Thayer/Kulick 5. I Will Be There (3:49) - Stanley/Kulick/Cuomo 6. Jungle (6:49) - Stanley/Kulick/Cuomo 7. In My Head (4:00) - Simmons/Van Zen/St. James 8. It Never Goes Away (5:42) - Stanley/Kulick/Cuomo 9. Seduction Of The Innocent (5:16) - Simmons/Van Zen 10. I Confess (5:23) - Simmons/Tamplin 11. In The Mirror (4:26) - Stanley/Kulick/Cuomo 12. I Walk Alone/Outromental (6:07) - Simmons/Kulick Produced by Toby Wright and Gene Simmons/Paul Stanley Bruce Kulick_______________Lead, rhythm & acoustic guitar/bass Lead vocal on 12/back-up vocals. Gene Simmons_______________Bass/rhythm guitar/lead vocals on 1, 4, 7, 9 & 10/back-up vocals. Eric Singer________________Drums/back-up vocals. Paul Stanley_______________Rhythm & acoustic guitar/bass/lead vocals on 2, 3, 5, 6, 8 & 11/ back-up vocals.
Mercury/Polygram PHRC-90007 Release date: 19,september, 1998 01. Psycho Circus - Stanley/Cuomo 02. Within - Simmons 03. I Pledge Allegience - Stanley/Knight/Cuomo 04. Into The Void - Frehley/Cochrane 05. We Are One - Simmons 06. You Wanted The BEST... - Simmons 07. Raise Your Glasses - Stanley/Knight 08. I Finally Found My Way - Stanley/Ezrin 09. Dreamin' - Stanley/Kulick 10. Journey Of 1,000 Years - Simmons 11. In Your Face - Simmons Produced by Bruce Fairbairn Ace Frehley_______________Lead, rhythm & acoustic guitar/ Lead vocal on 4, 6 /back-up vocals. Gene Simmons_______________Bass /lead vocals on 2, 5, 6, & 10/back-up vocals. Peter Criss________________Drums /lead vocal 6, 8 /back-up vocals. Paul Stanley_______________Lead,Rhythm & acoustic guitar/lead vocals on 1, 3,6,7,9/ back-up vocals. Bob Ezrin________________ Fender Rhodes on 8 Shelly Berg______________ Acoustic piano on 8, 10/ Strings arrangement & conduct on 8, 10SYMPHONY: ALIVE IV 2003年2月にオーストラリアでのメルボルン交響楽団との共演ライブ。
Disc: A 01. Deuce 02. Strutter 03. Let Me Go Rock & Roll 04. Lick It Up 05. Calling Dr. Love 06. Psycho Circus 07. Beth 08. Forever 09. Goin' Blind 10. Sure Know Something 11. Shandi Disc: B 01. Detroit Rock City 02. King Of The Night Time World 03. Do You Love Me 04. Great Expectations 05. Shout It Out Loud 06. God Of Thunder 07. Love Gun 08. I Was Made For Lovin' You 09. Black Diamond 10. Rock And Roll All Nite Produced by Tommy Thayer _______________Lead, rhythm & acoustic guitar/back-up vocals. Gene Simmons_______________Bass /lead vocals on A-1,3,5,9,4,B-5,6,10 /back-up vocals. Peter Criss________________Drums /lead vocal A-7,9 /back-up vocals. Paul Stanley_______________Lead,Rhythm & acoustic guitar/lead vocals on A-2,4,6,8,10,11 B-1,2,3,5,7,8,9 / back-up vocals. David Campbell_____________Symphonic arrangement & conduct the orchestra Melbourne Symphony Orchestra __ Strings,Brass & all symphonic performance