MR.BIGファンクラブより...NEWS!今日、MR.BIGファンクラブから会報が届きました。ワクワクして開けてみると...。 ベスト盤とLIVEのCDのお知らせ。 LIVE盤は初耳だ! ...で、その後には...MR.BIGは暫くお休みします、 との告知があります。呆然としました。 どういう意味でどれくらいの休みかはわかりません。 ただただ、早く戻ってきてくれるのを待つのみです。 残念です...。それとも、本当にただ疲れの休息? これは、真相を聞いてみなければ...。 以下、原文です。[9-17-96] |
Dear Mr. Big friend Here's the latest news: We are in the studio again! We are working on three new songs for a "greatest hits" CD which is tentatively titled, "Big, Bigger, Biggest". The new songs are "Stay Together", "Not One Night", and "Unnatural". **("Unnatural" fetures Paul Gilbert on lead vocals for the first time!) Look for this album in stores in mid-November. Also, If you live in Southeast Asia, we are releasing a CD of our show for Channel V at the Singapore Hard Rock Cafe. If you can't find either of these CD's, don't forget to check the import section of your record store. In other news, after 8 years of non-stop touring, recording, and promoting, we are going to give ourselves a break for a while. We will keep your name and address on our mailing list and let you know when things get rolling again. Keep Rockin', Eric, Paul, Billy and Pat P.S. Look for new instructional videos from Paul, Billy, and Pat...coming soon!!! |